All React Native Vector Icons

Want to use vector icons in your reactive project.
All react native vector icons. Customizable icons for react native with support for navbar tabbar image source and full styling. Here is the list of icons category available in react native vector icons. React native vector icons antdesign by antfinance 297 icons entypo by daniel bruce 411 icons evilicons by alexander madyankin roman shamin v1 10 1 70 icons feather by cole bemis contributors v4 21 0 279 icons fontawesome by dave gandy v4 7 0 675 icons fontawesome 5 by fonticons. React native vector icons are perfect for buttons logos and nav tab bars.
You need to enable javascript to run this app. Antdesign by antfinance 297 icons entypo by daniel bruce 411 icons evilicons by alexander madyankin roman shamin v1 10 1 70 icons feather by cole bemis contributors v4 21 0 279 icons fontawesome by dave gandy. There are a project right for your.